QC is 2 Years Old!

I’ve been thinking about this post for about a few months now.

Partly because I can’t believe 2 years have gone by and partly because the last 7 months have been emotional hell and I hate seeing how empty my blog has been.

I decided last year that April is Queer Courtesan‘s official birthday and I’m glad I did. April is Spring for me. The time of consistent blue skies and warming winds. Being outside is more feasible. Putting my hands in the dirt and touching growing things fills my afternoons. Feeling like I can breathe after the gloom of winter lifts away. This year isn’t the same as past ones – COVID, isolation, three family deaths, a vague grief about the end of my degree – they shadow everything.

So I’ve been thinking about my blog’s birthday for a while now because it’s such a bright point in my life. The people I’ve met and connected with are so good. They are kind and smart, funny and clever, and have always said “welcome back” when I disappear for a few weeks. My blog has quietly thrived in numbers that I am amazed at considering I’m not posting even monthly. The posts I have been the most nervous about have been some of the most read ones. Getting to write about whatever I want and seeing people respond to that has been invigorating in many ways.

I’ve created and dropped so many plans for QC over the last two years. Time and energy are finite, sometimes in smaller amounts than I want. I don’t know where QC is going from here much in the same way that I don’t know where I’m going. And that’s okay. It’s been fun figuring out the last two years as I went along so I’m sure it’ll keep being fun in the future too.

Thank you for reading QC, whether that’s one post or all of them. Thank you for sharing anything of mine, following me on Twitter or Instagram. Thank you for continuing to support Queer Courtesan through the chaos of the last year and my declining activity. It means the world to me.

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