For the last two years, my first post has been my chosen Word of the Year and some of my goals for the year. I decided to keep that going so here’s to 2022!
Word of the Year
Things in our lives have shifted in so many ways the last few months and I’ve begun to change some of my day to day priorities. This includes returning to my creative writing and art in general. So this years word is ARTIST.
Doing art makes me feel good and I think it’s helped improve my mood and focus. Breaking up my days to work on a project or even just doodling in my planner gives me that little boost. It’s also one of those rare times that my busy brain stills and is centered on what I’m doing. That is always satisfying to experience.
Looking over my goals for the last two years makes me a little sad. There’s so much I wanted to do and just didn’t accomplish. However, I also know that I did make some progress to many of these past goals and even modified some to make them more realistic to meet.
I’ve approached my goal making a little differently this year by breaking them up into 4 categories and then making goals for each of those sections. I’ve also managed to do the thing I struggle with the most – break down some of those goals into monthly steps. It looks beautiful on my Notion page this year at least!
Some of my goals this year include:
- Read 30 books
- Do art every day
- Do creative writing 2-3x a week
- Pick up my kink BuJo again
- Make M/s space a priority
- Work on my freelancing business
- Work on bringing QC back
We have another big move coming up in the next few months (fingers crossed!) so I know that some of my current planning is going to get interrupted and shifted around. I feel that I’m in a great head space lately and have been able to be flexible and forgiving with myself about not getting things done on the day I decided to get it done. There’s less negative self-talk about it at least!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, whatever that looks like for you, and that you are able to look at the New Year with self-compassion and love and not a big To Do List.
1 Comment
[…] word last year was artist since I wanted to focus a lot on returning to the arts outside of my writing. Which I did! I did a […]